Saturday, May 26, 2007

Photos from Turkey

Steve photographing a turtle at Heiropolis.

Whirling dervishes - we went to see them in a small cultural center in Bursa. Men sat downstairs and women were confined to a tiny balcony above. The dervishes twirled, while others chanted and played flute-like instruments, for about 20 minutes. It was unreal! No one fell over, or ran into each other, and at the end, they stopped spinning and stood still immediately. It's a religious tradition to twirl while you meditate to Allah.

Pamukkale and the calcium traverine. We climbed up the travertine in our bare feet - a feat in itself with my tender winterized feet - pausing for this photo. At the top were the ruins of Hieropolis, which were amazing. The city was built near this rock and thermal springs for their healing powers. The city dates back to BC, and it was amazing to think of a huge city there over 2000 years ago.

Dave (Steve's dad) getting ready for a poo at the latrines at Ephesus. Ephesus is the big ticket ruin in Turkey, partially because it is near the coast so the cruise ship passengers are bussed there daily, and partially because Mary (from Mary and Joseph fame) lived there in her later years. There are magnificant ruins from the city, but it was crazy crowded there (two cruise ships were in, so 1500 people just from the boats alone...) so I think I enjoyed other ruins a bit more.

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